Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Fireworks Begin! December 31, 2013

The Fireworks begin!



My daughter awakens to ask, “Who is shooting their guns?”  Sounding more like sonic booms outside, the City of Rochester celebrates the approaching New Year from the bridge over the Genessee River.  My mind is on tomorrow and what it will look like.  NEW DAY, NEW DAY reverberating.  What will the NEW DAY hold for us as a family of five?  Luggage stacked upon luggage, flights and airports, camping and mosquito repellent, bottled water.  Every ounce of me is looking forward to the great crossing over into days of MORE HEAVEN ON EARTH, more love in my heart, more pouring out together as a family alongside others to feed the poor and raise the hopes of the downtrodden.  Where will homeschooling my children fit into this action-packed year?  What kind of assistance will we have to accomplish it all?  Not many answers but lots of anticipation!  Internal fireworks are going off as I contemplate 2014 for the Lawsons.  JESUS, carry me!

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